This chapter seeks to identify the Vedic origins of the sacred knowledge of Siberian peoples as in ancient times, and today, on the basis of a common semantic complex of the Fire cult, in its earthly and heavenly manifestations, as well as manifestations of Fire as vital energy. The Book of Veles is complex and a voluminous source of ancient knowledge. The Book of Veles is a kind of scripture of the ancient Slavs, which was carved on birch tablets by Novgorod magi. The city-temple Arkaim was at the same time an astronomical observatory. In the Karakol valley, located at the foot of this peak, a sacred complex was formed during thousands of years, inherited by one nationality from the other, replacing each other in this area. Just recently, in 1985, the archaeologist V. D. Kubarev discovered a new archaeological culture, called "Karakol culture", dating back to the late third to the beginning of the second millennium bc.