Marketization indicates a specific form of subjectification, the fabrication of one subject position or, more precisely, of two intensely interlinked subject positions: that of the subject in the marketplace and that of the subject as marketplace. Marketization as a form of subjectification implies a categorical comparative: it is not enough to simply be creative, resourceful and willing to take risks and make decisions, one has to be more creative, more resourceful and more willing to take risks and make decisions than the competitors. Therefore, it is not permitted to stop aiming for increased creativity, resourcefulness or the willingness to take risks and ability to make decisions. Marketization of the self means addressing individuals as entrepreneurs of their selves, and this, in turn, means not seeing them as people but rather 'the embodiment of distinct functions in the market operation'. The infinite and paradoxical nature of the claims fuels the addressing of the self in the marketplace and as a marketplace.