Information and communication technology has created an important set of capabilities for nonprofit managers (Cortes & Rafter, 2007; McNutt, Guo, Goldkind & An, 2018). While the sector has always been considered a laggard in the application of technology, new efforts are changing those perceptions. These tools allow nonprofit organizations to pursue their missions in new and exciting ways. This chapter will examine the use of technology in nonprofit management. Among the topics covered are the evolution of nonprofit technology, technology in internal and external operations, including the role of technology in fundraising, training, volunteer recruiting, marketing, the role of data in nonprofit organizations, advocacy and policy change, social media, and dealing with resistance to technology. The chapter also looks at the future of nonprofit technology, including new developments like civic technology and data science. In sum, the chapter will examine how technology is currently being used and look at the ways that technology will be used in the future.