Violence against women (VAW) is one of the most prevalent human rights violations globally. This chapter addresses the aforementioned questions exploring the social and cultural construction of gender ideologies that promote VAW. Socioeconomic determinants are critical to any discussion of VAW. Sir Michael Marmot, Chair of the World Health Organization Commission on the Social Determinants of Health, entreated in 2009 that, “social injustice is a matter of life and death,” a fact that “needs continuously to be brought to the fore”. Armed conflict decreases and hinders a woman’s safety, security, and movement. It also disrupts access to food as well as causing displacement. Gender inequities, cultural ideologies, and conflict may create a restricted infrastructure resulting in barriers to accessing healthcare. Interventions must be aimed at all levels of the model to promote the health and wellbeing of women. The global community has a crucial role to play in educating the world about the various challenges faced by women.