In this chapter, the author considers the background literature in relation to feminist approaches to research and visual methods more generally. She reflects on three issues: consent, voice and power/hierarchy, and concentrates on the implications of using this method when researching the faith lives of women and girls. The author uses data compiled from the 'Religion, Youth and Sexuality: A Multi-Faith Exploration' project, which used video diaries to capture 'lived religion'. This method accompanied two others — questionnaires and in-depth interviews — and was used as a complementary tool to access a layered understanding of the everyday social worlds of young religious adults aged between 18 and 25 and living in UK. Video diaries generate new research perspectives, allowing the relevance of the mundane and the everyday to be made tangible. In order for visual methods to be successfully adopted in the study of the faith lives of women and girls, careful critique is needed regarding any hierarchies that emerge.