This chapter explores the interface between women at work and the novel Amado Amo by the Spanish novelist, Rosa Montero. It examines the legal and social changes, which occurred during the 1970s and 1980s, affecting women and their working lives. The chapter focuses on issues raised by the novel. Changes and opportunities for Spain's women were, thus, part of the wider vision of new legally declared democratic rights. The General Education Bill, passed during Franco's dictatorship, had already given an important boost to education for women. The same level of progress in the number of female students at GCSE equivalent and vocational diploma level is noted by Maria Dolores Ayllon. In Ayllon's view, the advances made by women in the field of education are one of the key factors which have contributed to a higher number of women entering the workforce in the 1980s, although Ferreira considers that demography has played a significant part in the changes.