The ceramic arts of modern Peru and Ecuador show influences from Europe. When the Spaniards conquered Peru and Ecuador in the sixteenth century they brought European pottery technology such as the kick-wheel and lead glazes. Ceramics produced in Peru and Ecuador, particularly in Chulucanas and Cuenca, do show influences of the prehispanic ceramic traditions of the Central Andes. An important impetus to pottery produced for the tourist and 'ethnic arts' market both in and outside Peru and Ecuador has been the antiquities laws introduced since 1950. Since about 1970 Peru and Ecuador have come within the orbit of tourists of all ages and income groups from North America, Australasia, Europe and Japan and they have wanted souvenirs of their visits in the form of artesanias. In addition there is a substantial production of imitations and fakes of prehispanic pottery in Latin America, notably in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico.