Social work professional ethics tell us that we have an obligation to social justice. By extension, that implies justice itself. This chapter discusses the importance of critical thinking and ethical reasoning in clinical work with stigmatized persons. By studying a complicated forensic case, that of a young sex offender who also has a substantial history of sexual victimization in childhood and adolescence, this chapter aims to demonstrate that examining our confirmation bias in work with stigmatized clients has more utility than the simple awareness of countertransference. Stigma is a ubiquitous product of social life. Often it is a by-product of social dissatisfaction with medical diagnosis and legal decisions. Stigma does damage to a person’s identity. Therefore, this chapter argues that critical thinking and ethical reasoning is essential in work with stigmatized clients. This chapter notes that social workers cannot eliminate stigma, but they can assist stigmatized clients in coping well and developing resilience that will support clients in preventing relapse of the behaviors that led to their stigmatized status. Ultimately, this chapter concludes that, when treatment is approached in that manner, the needs of both society and the client are best served.