Cecilia represents a natural extension of the work undertaken by International Association of Music Libraries (IAML) (UK) in promoting co-operation between music libraries over its entire 50-year history, and sets standards for electronic delivery of services that will inform the next generation of work in music and music information provision. The idea for Cecilia emerged directly from work done by Peter Linnitt on a project provisionally titled Music in Libraries, a Directory for Resource Discovery (MILDRED). This was itself begun as an exercise to revise and mechanize the fourth edition of the printed directory, Music in British Libraries, compiled by Barbara Penney and published by the Library Association in 1992. The broad aim of Cecilia is, as the project title makes plain, to map the musical landscape of the UK and Ireland. This landscape is defined as the national music resource, consisting of the sum of the collections of or containing music materials in the country's libraries, museums and archives.