A review of the success stories of the Taiwanese businesses is testimony to the demonstrated positive benefits of utilisation of social networks. Yet the cases the authors have reviewed here have shown that things are much more complicated than what researchers have been arguing one is never certain when and under what conditions social embeddedness can be clearly separated from an organisation or a business. It is a strategy that Taiwanese entrepreneurs have developed and perfected through years of accumulated experience and reflection. As one of the entrepreneurs commented, Zhang and Li called this the realisation of Juzhi Fenjin, Juli Fenjin, and it has been producing results not only in Taiwan, but also in mainland China for many Taiwanese funded enterprises. More recently, Xijin reported that in Dongguan in the Pearl River Delta, more than 800 Taiwanese firms similarly had their computer and information technology industry production network operating, producing monitors, hard disks, scanners, keyboards and mouses.