Matters pertaining to the execution of sanctions and probation assistance are the responsibility of the cantons of Switzerland. The Swiss Criminal Code, however, stipulates resocialization as a general aim and objective of executing custodial sanctions. Conceptions of the purpose of resocialization have changed over the past decades, away from focusing on social integration towards the prevention of reoffending. In order to achieve the aim of resocialization, short custodial sentences of up to 12 months are generally enforced in the form of electronic monitoring, community service and semi-detention. Longer custodial sentences are served in penal institutions, where a system of progression is applied in order to prepare prisoners for their release. Sentence plans, prison leave and work constitute further pivotal instruments of resocialization. Prisoners can be conditionally released from prison once they have served two-thirds of their sentence. Probation assistance and conduct orders can be imposed during the probationary period. The probation services today apply a risk-oriented approach in particular, and have come to be more and more integrated into the correctional services. Since 2007, the law has provided possibilities to subject dangerous offenders to probation supervision and assistance and conduct orders, in certain cases even for life.