From that moment up until 1933, the year of his death, the thread of Sandor Ferenczi's biography may be seen as being woven around the development of the extremely close ties that he maintained with the founder of psychoanalysis, and as overlapping with the history of the psychoanalytic movement, of which he immediately became one of its most distinguished members. C. J. Jung became the first President of the International Psychoanalytic Association, whose creation Ferenczi had proposed. It was at this Congress that he presented his text, published the following year, 'On the organization of the psychoanalytic movement'. In September, the 6th International Congress was held in The Hague, the Netherlands. In his opening address, Ferenczi welcomed the 'unshakeable fidelity' of the international psychoanalytic movement attested to by the participation of American, English, Austrian, German, Dutch, Hungarian, Polish and Swiss psychoanalysts at the Congress.