Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Islamic Republic of Iran has emerged as one of the main reliable allies of the Republic of Armenia. Cultural diplomacy, a type of public diplomacy and soft power, includes the exchange of ideas, information, art and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding. Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran has reoriented its foreign policy towards actively spreading Shi'a Islam and supporting Iranian-style Shi'ism in foreign countries. However, foreign policy is not limited to the ideological component. Cultural diplomacy revolves around the themes of dialogue, understanding and trust. The goal of Iran's cultural diplomacy is to influence the Armenian audience and use that influence, which is built up over time, as a sort of goodwill reserve to win support for policies. The cultural centers which constitute the backbone of Iran's cultural diplomacy are all sub-branches of the Islamic Cultural Relations Organization.