The first chapter is the presentation, in which the editors present this new book, The Routledge Handbook of Positive Communication. The book seeks to set a comprehensive starting and reference point for theory, research, and practice with regard to the relationship between happiness, well-being, and communication. Or in other words, to fit the fundamentals of positive communication. The chapter describes briefly the content of the other chapters, revealing the common thread of the entire volume. That means, the demonstration of the strengths of this emerging cross-disciplinary approach to understand the central role of communication in the construction of hedonic and eudaimonic happiness, or subjective and psychological well-being, whether we are talking about individuals or societies. Thus, communication proves to be able to be a very powerful tool to improve the world in astonishing ways, in all kind of human interactions: conventional and digital media, communication in companies and organizations, in education, in daily life interactions, and so on.