At the moment the economic mechanisms impel an excessive consumption that revolves in the here and now, and that has been gradually consolidating in our society of consumption. A belief related to this consumption goes around the happiness that consumption can cause in the consumer. And is that, in the real world, all ideas of happiness end up in a store. Happiness is related both to hedonic well-being and to eudaimonic well-being, and more to the latter. In this sense, what makes us think that this type of consumption without control, based solely on hedonic welfare, is synonymous with happiness?

Most researchers believe that a combination of both types of well-being is necessary to achieve happiness. Hedonia well-being is lost in the unhealthy territory when she does not reign in at least a bit of eudaimonia well-being and vice versa. In this sense, to achieve greater levels of happiness through consumption, the opportunity arises to reflect and promote consumption alternatives that are not exclusively based on hedonic well-being. In this line, we propose as an alternative the socially responsible consumption which through values and concepts related to eudaimonic well-being, such as social contribution or responsibility, could be a line where the individual achieves greater happiness levels than with a hedonistic consumption. Throughout the chapter, we will delve into the various socially responsible consumption manifestations and how the consumer can use this type of consumption as a vehicle to achieve the desired happiness.