For it was in 1507 that the German cartographer and poet Matthias Ringmann chose the name in accordance with the female names of the other continents for the new map created by his fellow cartographer Martin Waldseemuller of Freiburg. A key figure in the reception of the Beats in Germany, and undoubtedly a Beat himself, has to be Carl Weissner. Associated with Jorg Fauser and what in the early 1970s was known as the new Frankfurt poetry scene with writers like Carl Weissner and Jurgen Ploog is Wolf Wondratschek. Rolf Dieter Brinkmann has long been held to be a key figure in Germany's Beat or Beat-inspired literary pantheon. Even if Meinecke's novel does not appear typically Beat, its use of the road trip is closer to Kerouac and also stands in line with the journeys of Fauser, Brinkmann, and the others.