There is considerable evidence that child and family practitioners have inadequate exposure to, or draw minimally on, theoretical knowledge. This chapter looks at the concept of ‘live knowledge’, the idea that knowledge is contextual and ever evolving at both conscious and unconscious levels, and the level of the individual practitioner and institution. The chapter discusses the concept and considers its capacity to support the uptake of theory within Child and Family Practice. Live knowledge recognises the non-hierarchical importance of institutional and individual practitioner knowledge. It appreciates not only the complexity of translating research and practice wisdom – given that what is considered exemplary practice is ever evolving – but also practitioners’ competency in relation to this. The role of leaders within Child and Family Practice organisations is to support practitioners to not only understand what theories they are already drawing on but also how their theoretical knowledge might be evolving and what the catalysts for this might be. The incorporation of live knowledge principles within organisations encourages a more engaged relationship with theoretical knowledge and creative implementation thereof.