This chapter discusses the evolution of caste stratification in Indian society. It examines the concept of equality in modern India and its strong emphasis in the Indian Constitution. The chapter also examines the role of education in the sponsored mobility of Scheduled Castes. The normative response in the Constitution was, first, to guarantee the right to equality for all through the provision of Fundamental Rights; and second, to eliminate existing inequalities through Directive Principles of State Policy. The education of Scheduled Castes in India poses this problem because they have been denied equal access to education and other social services, severely limiting their life chances and leaving them socio-economically disadvantaged when compared to the upper castes. In order to repair this situation, the Constitution introduced protective discrimination based on the principle of proportional equality. State governments also have their own policies to equalize opportunities for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, with departments established to oversee welfare programs.