This chapter summarizes the presentations and discussions, highlights the overlap or commonality among the presentations, and provides a set of propositions derived from the presentations and comments that have potential value for future research in the area of performance appraisal. It is initially categorized as: organizational issues; individaul issues; methodological and measurement issues; and sociopolitical issues. The chapter focuses on the organizational factors and characteristics that influence the performance-appraisal process and its participants, the rater and ratee. It also focuses on methodological and measurement issues such as theory development, operationalization of variables, specificity, and modeling. The chapter aims to stimulates, guide, and expand the research horizons for Industrial-Organizational psychologists by identifying basic problems and issues in performance appraisal and fostering examination of traditional concepts in new formulations. Finally, it concerns whether a cognitive, personality, or social-research perspective might be used to study the performance-appraisal process.