This chapter will provide you with guidance on all aspects of assessment within coaching. Firstly, examining the importance of initial assessment and contracting with coachees, which supports the way rapport is built between the coach and coachee. This leads to a more general discussion of assessment within the continued coaching relationship and examination of where the coachee is at the start of the coaching relationship, what areas of their life and work they want to focus on, and what it is they are hoping to achieve. The chapter will then look at how coaching can be used in different settings, including individual and group coaching, as well as the differences between face-to-face and telephone or online approaches. All of these will be underpinned by theory and research from the science of psychology and coaching and present cutting-edge information to support excellence in coaching. The final paragraphs will focus on practice and application—looking at how to utilise these techniques and approaches into a coaching practise and how to assess their effectiveness—and consider some of the challenges when using assessment techniques that a coaching psychologist might face.