The convergence and interaction of liberating forces at work in society against racism, sexism, ageism, and economic imperialism are all oppressive “isms” and built-in responses of a society that considers certain groups inferior. All are rooted in the social-economic structures of society. The oppressed are recognizing the need for sweeping economic and social change in society. They are beginning to form coalitions to deal with the root causes of social need and poverty, to oppose military expansion, to prevent the destruction of our environment by pollution, chemical and nuclear waste. As founder and national convener of the Gray Panthers, Maggie Kuhn, age seventy-nine, remains the organizations most beloved and articulate spokesperson. The editors are grateful to Maggie for agreeing to write this special introduction to Readings in the Political Economy of Aging. Only as public awareness of the growing numbers of Older Americans increased were age-segregated services and programs set up in every state.