This chapter explores the history and complexity of attachment themes within and across client-systems in the individual, couple, and intergenerational domains. Each domain contains specific topics, including temperament, touch, and bonding for the individual; self-esteem, romantic love, and empathic resonance for the couple; and structure and process for the family. Extensive research on intergenerational transmission of attachment from the fields of neuroscience, cognitive behavioral psychology, and clinical work suggests that the dialectical meta-theory of the Intersystem Approach (IA) helps conceptualize both historical and contemporary attachment information, simultaneously. In particular, the chapter specifically highlights intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns and scripts with emphasis on the individual's complex Internal Working Models (IWM) and how they are expressed within the couple dynamic. It employs methods at the couple level to assist with assessment including the Couple Interaction Map, Relationship Experiences Timelines, and relevant Focused Genograms (FGs) such as Gender and Sexuality.