School social workers are commonplace in elementary, middle, and high school, but rarely seen in non-therapeutic preschools. School social workers provide services to children and adolescents with behavioral problems and mental issues that interfere with their social-emotional well-being and academic performance. The parent group meetings are set at the beginning of the school year. Because parent meetings are not mandatory, mothers and fathers who attend are hoping to expand their knowledge of child development, share their parenting perspectives, and gain support in the enterprise of raising children. Parenting is a significant role in an adult's life, replete with complexity and nuance. The transition into parenthood is normative developmental task within the life span. The preschool, founded twenty years ago by local psychoanalysts, is a mastery-based preschool that applies psychoanalytic ideas in its curriculum and philosophy of early childhood education. In recent years the theory of mentalization and the concept of reflective functioning has garnered much attention in the psychoanalytic world.