The author describes about accolade 'The Greatest News Story Since the Resurrection' was, indeed, awarded to the Prince of Wales not, however, on the occasion of Charles' Spanish trip, rather of Edward VIII's abdication in 1936. He explores Almansa's political introduction and conclusion, although it too praises Charles' valour in undertaking the journey, describing him as not in the most robust of health, and it also mentions the setting up of the committee of jurists and theologians. The author deals with Almansa's other relations far more briefly, since, for the most part, they exemplify many of the features that characterise the first. He hope to have made clear, even if he missed the odd detail here or there, Andrs de Almansa y Mendoza provided a brilliantly sustained verbal display capable of mirroring the pomp and circumstance provided by the succession of expertly stage-managed court festivities that marked Prince Charles' Spanish trip.