In the course of the last century more than 50,000 papyri and 10,000 ostraca of the Graeco-Roman period have been published, most of them Greek, but also texts in Latin, Demotic and Coptic. e Greek texts are now easy to search through with the help of the Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis (metadata of all documentary texts),1 the Leuven Database of Ancient Books (metadata of all literary texts)2 and the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (full Greek text of all documentary papyri);3 for the Demotic texts M. Depauw has put a full list on line (corresponding to the Gesamtverzeichnis and the LDAB for Greek papyrology),4 and in Berlin G. Vittmann is entering the full text of the Demotic documents as part of the esaurus Linguae Aegyptiacae.5 Metadata of Coptic documents are now listed by Alain Delattre,6 who also intends to set up a full text database, whereas literary Coptic texts are included in the LDAB. Within less than ten years all this material will be available worldwide with a few simple clicks of the mouse.7