Whereas I have hitherto been in receipt of the weekly news advice and, in recompense for some of the expenses incurred yearly, have informed and advised yourselves every week regarding an annual allowance. Since, however, the copying has been slow and has necessarily taken much time, and since, moreover, I have recently purchased at a high and costly price the former printing workshop of the late obias Jobin and placed and installed the same in my house at no little expense, albeit only for the sake of gaining time, and since for several weeks, and now for the twelh occasion, I have set, printed and published the said advice in my printing workshop, likewise not without much eort, inasmuch as on each occasion I have had to remove the formes from the presses. As, however, it is now a cause of concern to me that other book printers here would likewise wish to undertake to print and publish the advice and news papers, at small prot to themselves though to my own great harm and disadvantage, and would not, moreover, preserve the news papers as they come here from all parts but would soon make additions and augmentations and seek to cause one to be better than the other and thus easily sow confusion and corruption. Seeing, however, that I have hitherto printed the advice without any additions, and propose to continue to do the same, and moreover am the rst here to have done so, which has caused me special expense, eort and labour, since the starting of any such task, however small, is what is most dicult and cannot happen without expense, whereas it would be to my considerable disadvantage were such news papers to be printed and published by others. In order, however, that I may have some recompense from the eort and labour I have undertaken, and that your Graces may continue to receive the news papers without any additions, and that I shall not thereby be subject to interference from others. Accordingly, I submit to your Graces my humble and most earnest request that you graciously grant me such a privilege and freedom with regard to the ordinary news papers aforesaid, and that you acknowledge and declare by judicial decree that the other book printers, book keepers and book sellers, on pain of astated monetary ne established at your Graces’ discretion, shall not set or print the weekly ordinary advice for ten years, either for themselves or in the names of others, but shall be wholly and entirely forbidden from doing so, although as regards any advice that they may receive extra ordinary I do not request that they be debarred therefrom; and I undertake, in order that your Graces may be able to see that I shall print the said advice without any additions and not otherwise than in the manner in which it has been written and received, to submit and deliver to your chancellery, weekly and without fail, four printed copies of the said news papers; and, seeking in this and in every other way humbly to do your Graces’ service, and desirous of hereby commending myself to your Graces, and likewise humbly condent of a favourable reply, I am Your Graces’ humble and obedient citizen, Johann Carolus, Printer of books.3