According to Statistics Norway, Bosnians are among most successful immigrant and refugee groups in norway in terms of their integration into norwegian society (Henriksen 2007, Blom and Henriksen 2008). At the same time they have maintained close transnational ties with their home country (Blom and Henriksen 2008). in this chapter, we present data regarding several relevant indicators of social integration of Bosnians and we argue that Bosnians’ relatively successful adjustments to life in norway may largely be explained by three factors: First, the socio-demographic composition of Bosnian immigrants in norway; second, their migration patterns; and third, the societal context of reception they have encountered upon entering the country. Drawing upon ‘segmented assimilation theory’ (Portes and Zhou 1993) and its counterpart in literature on transnationalism (Morawska 2004), we also present arguments that Bosnians’ integration outcomes and transnational practices are interconnected.