1. Introduction. – 2. The «first freedom»: American security and global spiritual health. – 3. The «first freedom»: American security and global spiritual health. – 4. Religious freedom and the «sectarianization» of the Arab spring. – 5. After religious freedom?

It is only when we know who the accused really is, that we can sentence him to death. It is only when we know how to rehabilitate, that we institutionalize people en masse in asylums and mental hospitals. It is only when we know that incapacitation works, that we systematize mass incarceration. In the field of crime and punishment, the moments of punitive excess are inextricably linked with moments of certitude. The critical task ahead is not simply to reveal «falsity» or even illusions in order to establish the truth, but to constantly challenge the crystallization and solidification of our own truth-telling.

Bernard Harcourt 1