The Celtic Year was divided by a mixture of solar and lunar festivals. The equal-armed cross of the solar divisions was offset by the St Andrew's Cross of the lunar fire-festivals, each of which was celebrated on the full-moon. The solar solstices and equinoxes are the marker points for the sun's path: at its zenith on the Summer Solstice, at its apogee at the Winter Solstice and at the two median points at the Equinoxes. These festivals also regulated the exercise of war and raiding. The Fianna hunted and engaged in the warfare from Beltain to Samhain, in the warm months, and from Samhain to Beltain lived off the country, being billeted in different households and tribes. The feast of Oimelc marked the loosening of Winter's grip. At this time, the new lambs were born and use were in milk.