IN ordinary years the Member upon whom you confer the privilege of election to the Presidency of this great Institution has some idea of the duties that lie before him and can console himself that where others have found themselves able to fulfil these duties with satisfaction to all concerned, he, with the guidance of Past-Presidents and the Council, and with the help of the Secretary and his staff, always so readily and so ably given, may hope to carry the great honour that you have entrusted to him in a manner that will not lower the high standard set and followed by his predecessors: but this is not an ordinary year, and nobody knows what part we may have to play in the struggle which we are waging against the forces of evil, as our share of the effort to bring about ultimate victory. All I can say is that we—and I know that I speak for the members as a body—will give without stint all of our energies, wherever required, to achieve that end. We have faced dangers in the past; we do not flinch from them now.