The global changes had a significant impact on the two-party structure, 'class' alignment and ideological politics. Theorists from the 1960s onwards debated what the consequences would be for the socio-political system. In the Fabian lecture, The Future of Socialism Kinnock outlined the 'third way' of 'democratic socialism'; a philosophy 'distinct' from the ultra-Left and the 'atavistic and timid' premise of social democracy. New Labour will dominate mainstream politics with the all-embracing Third Way. The commitment to modernisation of Labour's policies was maintained by John Smith from July 1992. New Labour's ideas can be traced directly to the debates of the 1950s and 1960s and the genesis of democratic socialism with the Fabians and Independent Labour Party of the 1880s to 1900s. With Tony Blair and increased modernisation it is clear that the core values of social democracy and Christian ethical socialism are increasingly reaffirmed to emphasise the socially progressive Third Way ethos of Blair's New Labour.