This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book explores how George Bush achieved an unexpected success at the 2004 Summit. It deals with the newest member of the club, Russia and also explores whether the United States has used the G8 to advance American interests in counterterrorism, arms control, and regional security. The book discusses the tradeoffs between economic growth and homeland security that restrict the crossborder flows of human capital. It analyzes how terrorism affects national border policies and transnational flows of goods. The book looks at the determinants of financial centres that engage in money laundering. It provides a more detailed account of the G8 record on trade liberalisation. The book assesses the latest summit, hosted by US president George Bush in 2004. It also looks at the role of the G8 in constraining hidden money flows, in general, and money laundering in particular.