Eleusis, modern day Elefsina, is located about fourteen miles west of Athens. The site at Eleusis has been occupied for millennia. The Great Mysteries took place in sanctuaries in Athens and Eleusis and along the processional route between the two cities. Mystery priests later processed from Athens to Eleusis carrying these sacred objects. A decree of Theodosius I in 379 AD outlawed the cult at Eleusis, and the Sanctuary was destroyed during the invasion of Alaric’s Visigoths in 395 AD. For example Aristophanes, in the Frogs, gives details of the public procession from Athens to Eleusis. The archaeological site of Eleusis occupies several square blocks and stands in stark contrast to the rest of the industrial area. Due to wars and the fortunes of different rulers, the sanctuary at Eleusis underwent many incarnations as it was destroyed, rebuilt and expanded.