US i I f Tteptve »p tttht Lird,tbinhe is fujficiint to deliver tuoftt sf their bands', but if we d 'fairy our pod, all thoft could not deliver tuottt ofbis band : Soall fetro f man wastaken. from us. The Engli(h Conful came abord the (hip (as the Captain faid ) but we did notfeehim , and invited us to liis. Houfe, it was the feventh or Iaft day of the-week : The next nvopningbeing movedof the Lord we went a-fliore, aud the, Confulniec us', and'.we gave himia paper ,* who fent us lb •. •his Houfe, with his Servant* and when we canrtthfere at the prtfinc We well were entertained ( jike Princes ) thefr Neiglh hurt-and Kw/tf/^carne-in^aiid fotnejtfiths, and wegave them Boolj.s, they read a little; and laid them down , they were too • hot-.we dcclarcd our riietfageto them in the fN'a me of the Lord y.and ,w e tjave fome Books in the Stretr, fo they were all fetianwork: Away went the Friers tb {he king ( or Supreme in thelfland ) and he would rot meddle “with'as, budaidjWe '^vere honeft women, we might goatjouic our bufinefs,artd that night we went a-bord the Ship again,thcGonful was. troubled, for-their fnare was laid, and we felt itr} being'moved of the Lord we.went in again the nextday, and the Conful haViftg ,

:'a ftftetln the' NnrMery> dtftred ustogo ther<!, that (he might fee'ii^; and wtt w^nttothem, andgavethema bookj then to •. theCoi»fu|s%ve retHmeil again-, and-fitting to wait to krtow' the blind ofthe Lord, what he would haye us to do, hefaid • we milft give in the great Pi'per and if we WOiild *g6 to ft*e •

©fe, we (liquid lofe it ,. HtfKc

1 jft! 'trlic Dcetirntton concerning the Lord** love to us in ill War *’ f A VtiyagtiHVe wercaeSta, ' bUwen 'Loiidott -arfd 3 !ljit»t<?i)% ■•ta&ny W eeksand one day wefiad fome trials v arid “bcfWtjcn Pljbmth and Legorn wc were ji, days, and we had'tnany trials

’fltked as concerning our coming, and we told him cruth-i arid' gijve him fome Books, and a Paper, and he cold’ us there wai an

Itiqaifition, and h.e kindly entreated -us to.go to hi*houfe,anii ; ' ftud all that he had was at otir fervice while wc were there;, Arid ;in the fear and dread of the Lord we wenr, and there -came maln7 tolee us, andwc call’d them to repentance, and many of them were tender; but the whole City it given to Idolatry; And wewent afhip-board tliat night; and the next day we being trio-

;ved to go into the City Again, dared notito fiie the croft, but in . obedience tocnt, defiring (he willt>f God to be done. And when

wc cam* to the Governor, he told as that Be had a Sifter in the Nunnatydid defire to fee ui if we were free j and in the fear d f God wc went, and talxcd with them, and gave them a Book, and 'jotteof their Priefls wat with ut (at the Nunnery) and had ut into their place of Worfljip * and fome would have ut bow to the

"high Altar, which wc did deny*, and having a great burthen f Wc B 2 went