OH thou tender hearted One, whom our God and our Eternal: Father hath fent to relieve us his poor innocent Lambs,in ■. hird bondage, and deep captivity, which thou art an eyc-witnefs of; none can receive or difcern ic, but thofe that do fee i t : Bat our Heavenly Father, who hath refpeft to the red of them tbii believe in liii Name, hath fent thee to be an eye-witnefs in forad meafure , of what we have undergone. Oh my dear, precious, and endeared one/ thoii meek Lamb, thou innocent Dove , who ’ dolt bear the likenefs* beauty add brightnefs of that unfpotttd one thic is come in the Volume of the Book tp do'the Will God: W ccangiveinour Teftimony for thee, that thou catncft herein the Power and Authority of the Mod High,-to which th* tall Cedars were made to bow^and -the ftrong Oak* Co bend,prai< fas, praifes be given to oilr*varlafting God for-ovirrtiore. Oh my dearly beloved Brother, thy beauty (hineth indeed, thou art Ml ■ glorious within and Without thy Garments are petfumed with alldelightfome fcents; We frtietl thfc fweet odours thereof, and tIff - feel the fulnefs of Love and.Life which runt from thy Mndtr heart day and night to.us, and in the fame unity of Love dtfptlf hsarts dream forth to thee, and thon knoweft full well; Oh how >