. ' . ' . O * ) • ' •*' ^ And his appointing a day of thankfgivingtet the Succesfulncfle othis defignes furthered by •ftich uftlawfull mdtaes* whether this were not abridging of Thank [giving with leaven, I leave it to others to Judge. I could not but with* drSw from that thankfgiving: I confidered with my ielfe, how unlike it was that he (hould 'be a faithfull minifter of Chrift, who dealt fo tiofaithfully with men, and therefbrc that it could not be fafe for me to continue any longer under his paftorall charge; efpecially feeing-1 could not be faithfull to them, becaufe of their -crafty feeking advantages to enfnate: All the remedy I had left was to withdtawe from -them. ■ ■ • \ ■ ; . .