and her grave made in the.bottome of the Sea.

, AVtng folciTinly promiled to the moft high God in t!ie grca m m f e o^rme> ^ t-if his Mfljcfty would beplcafedto prolong my iml I ® dayes, and deliver me from lb great a danger, I would ftudie <*l |j> to pvaylc and glovifie his Name all the daycs of my life , and

call upon others that were in theftorme fo to doc, if Ifliall * * ... ncglett fo to do thefe broken Meditations may .be an crideoce

agairift me ; written iuddenly after my conlmirgto Corks , PfitL 1 1 8 .17 , verfc.l {hall not dye but live and declare the works of the Lord :66.Pfal.i6 . Come and hcarc all yec that fcarc Gods and I will dcclare what he hath done

. For my foule, 19. verfc, I cryed unto him with my moutii> and he was extolled With my tongue. Pft/. 5 6 .12 . thy vowesareuponmeohGod! I will render prayle unto thee, for thou hart made a path in tne great.waters for thy redeem­ ed to pa (fe through, and hJft brought tliy ranlbmcd ones fafe to land * there-*/, fore blcfle the Lord oh my foule, and forget not liich mercics> who haft forgi* Vcji.all mine iniquities and faved my life from fo great a danger ! oh that I could ipend this new life wholly m thy lervicc, and that I might live to the prayfc and

im’der mee? 1 have been dying all this ftorme, and I cannot tell whether I am yet alive • I finding my body much out of frame * and my heart fainting, ha­ ving been ten da/cs *t lea witJiouc eating, but the next day the Lord made mee riiore lenfiblc of my neW life i aqd when I came to dive into the mighty depth of the love of God, in granting mee deliverance from fo great a danger, my heart.