o f my lying inS*0<,wkho{it icvitfendng &<•/*»- taritt) then his ctiiftittict is either hUvd ot baf~ fled-, eife why had not checrct him, when hedifcoVercd no ktale againft lying? when he was fo often preft unto it by; me? why 'had not: his confcicnte troubled, him, ' /wfecta there was a Ijt affirmed with .fo nlwich CottfL dcntc by $cbn Wkitebirne when heoffered to ciepofe it upon Oath, andyetthtre was cle.tr T cflimony brought by fome of: their members to prove it to be a lye} this pettfoa is fimdef hi§ chrge, yet here his confdenes hath not difqnk> ted him, ..... . '