Hut to enlarge ~y felfe I , ' litdefutther~ltoulQ with aU: of Yoo.of.-good n-ttcs> when, luft OC,&.ft~ is prefen ted, ell.\! you would 'he moll: ooURtifuUin reheuing imprifonc<i .ptiefis , and 'p&oce ImprifofledCacholiks. ,0 how worthy an A6tis,thii.~ tl'.ndhow do you [uffcr in their fufferings? And you nlay then inf41libly int'erdl your fel .. lle5 in the words of the A .. pofiIe, H,br. 6. (;od i.s not VII· 11111, thaI hel411 [ar,gl't YO/l, ~~ood fporKrs I (1I1d cha'lity, whicb JOu h.lIle .she'Wtd in his 1t"11Ie, ~,1ndh.tlJf,tlnd do milfifter 'Z.'ntD!