A Manager Who Takes an Assignment in a Foreign Country has the Immense Task of Adapting to a New Culture and New Business Practices. The firm naturally wants to get the most out of this employee, both during the assignment and after repatriation. But the question of allegiance often gets in the way of the individuals and the firms success. To whom is the expatriate most committed — the parent firm or the local unit? Black and Gregersen have studied and interviewed numerous expatriates. In this paper, they describe four allegiance patterns and the factors that affect them, and they suggest policies for promoting the most desired pattern: high dual allegiance. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315252025/56d794b0-75ef-4c17-be53-9cb37a45f93a/content/fig2_21_1.tif"/>