The term contagion is often applied to any form of transmission of a communicable disease but, strictly speaking, it indicates the spread of an illness by direct or indirect contact and it will be considered in that sense. As regards ancient Judaism, the Old Testament frequently alludes to the sudden infliction of "pestilences" and epidemics by God; but it is not at all clear whether the victims were struck down individually, or if the outbreak spread from person to person. True leprosy is a chronic, progressive, bacterial infection. The contagious skin lesions, which constitute one of the earliest manifestations of lepromatous leprosy, are not only apparent to the sufferer but may also be noticed by others. It has been suggested that in the Biblical "case histories" of sara'at, this term refers to chronic psoriasis, a common non-contagious condition, except for one case in which leprosy is possibly indicated.