The decade 1991–2000 saw immense changes to the political and social fabric of the UK. This chapter looks at how far these were reflected in the work of libraries: whilst there will be some coverage of libraries in general, it focuses on public libraries. It also focuses on equal opportunities and social exclusion. The election of New Labour in 1997 and creation of the Social Exclusion Unit opened up space for the discussion of issues concerning social exclusion and related matters such as poverty and racism. It also allowed the library debate on these issues to inform other agendas; the article, 'Public libraries' role in inclusion', for example, was published in Anti poverty matters, rather than a library journal. In October 1998 another event was held, this time an executive briefing by the Library Association London and Home Counties Branch, on Public Library Policy and Social Exclusion. Meanwhile, social exclusion was becoming a regular feature in the Library Association record.