An Apologic of tho(: tn matters oOlJ( igbt ann true ittbg£m et ougtJt to b£ f£ttb(tJ,~l1n wIJo fa obc}?£tiJ not lJin tutlgcmmt,tl)£ fame man ouglJt to bee SillEll 111 tlJ~ h~llt of bt61J~(tIH€n: tmll tfJat no Illo~taU ctcatur£ IJatlJ£ au~ t~o~itle to bee illlJgt OU(~ (Jim \tlbatro~ cuet IJcc: ilooc :! tf/at~IJ~IUCt"gllCtI) 111 l)caum nnll 1)cEtn cat~bc: tlJ£lt bce alom ,a11ll£ tJooe :aa muc~ras ([b~tfi£,o~ Ci5on, iJ1'111 fclfc canile iJooe;LJicaufc <lClJ~lO: an~ !Jee bnue but one (!Ccunccl1 ~OUr( : tm:1)at 1nitlJout lJim 19 nofartlJC, 110 lJope, no cI;urcbc ', anll UJliofO goctb ftom,blm" quite cn(J:ctlf au.Hlpcanll rCllouncetl) Ilia O\t111£ faluatlOl1 • ~utbetalke baue, tbe