~ff/l4"IS lrfurt.f1it1· Sf rower, 25 ~ee fayth i BIef-{cd are }'ce that now \,\r cepe> for ree thalt Refoyce, rrouble.s in this life, are b3dg~s of Gods Chil .. dren, W hom the Lord 10-fu'li. ~. veth, nee chalHferh, and cOlTttl:eth everY Sonne Ch2C htchufetb ~·ith Fati. tutt',:r. ence j Therefore, pOflelfe your Soules ~ and rem em-Iv.;II, I r. oer who it iJ, that fayd; You are not of the W orIg; as I am not of the \Vorld, the world bateth y~, be. ClL!Ce it hated mee lira'; if you were of the world,the world would love yOll'.