And Saint Av GV·SY I N I~ r~eakingoftqc D~ath ofa G.ood mall,fayrhl 'Hce thac delirerhto b~: difiolvcd~& be.with (hrift; dycih not Paticijdy, .. htlt livethPati-


0/""111 MortA/itu. ' 61 ently, and dycth deli~ht· {ome1y, and it may be rayd; That like a Swan,he dycth finging. yeUding the glory roGod whic;n caII&tll him. With what joy, doth that Soule behold hi, end, who hlthall his Life-time por. {elTed jI good Confciencc. nothing fearefuU, cirt ~crent it [eIfe before him, 'he fc:csallhis (lOnts, netofa Crimfon die, byt White as wOt)J~ walhed by the blood ofChrift i he beholds; him, not as his Iudge', ;but hi. Sauiou'[':, ~fid : McdiatoQr, his fudge is, his , Bro.dlC1" ~ God in"Cbrifi is ,btcom(;, his Father; , be~b~th .no debts to ply, ,Chrif111(1U un the Cro[e" hatb : 'can ..