FrienJs~ wjth his whole Efiarc, Honour) Riches, Youth, HC:11th. Strcn~[h) and Life it felre, thereby thinking to fllakc lli' hold J tal" this fubtill cni· my kllowctlt, they are not loft without gricfe, w hidt are pOfieised with Love; )'et fayles he of llispurpofe. for jris certaine, hee thatin this life knoweth offc\l'J'eft delight$, Icafr of aU other, fcarethDeat~l, fa he . having never prized them· othenvavcs thell they. were ia· thein(eI\1e~) plrretb from diem with the leaetrouble~yet \\:'clke

nature llrugling with him, may 3 little . dnle hien ~ b:1t ceiling to Olinde the \VorJJ .of .Ilis Saviow';, \\' ho Cayelu Het har fcr(~· k~tb . F3ther, M&tllcr, Wife, ClulJrcD, boufe and bnds, for 'my fake. thall ccctivc ;us hUtldred fold, bee gaillcs firc:ngtb., ~nd with the greater joy his Souleanfwers p .. Oh fwcet IIi svs! lhall I not willingly torgocall thefe J who tor my fake:, fitffcred the Viols of thy Fathers wrath dueto me forfillne ~ to·be p"\.Yrcd outupon tllct,and In thy .body il1dured ,'~har, which ldeicrvcd? Itwas for my' fake, thou walt b~rne in a St~bk .. and t!~d