gfmlSns Mort.lity. 83 mayb~e the greater; ifit: make thee merry, it doth it char: itllfterwards with !orrow . may break e thy heart; it givethdther geods with a mixture of incomparable heavinefle and griefes, and that wid) the greaten u(urie: if a Sonne bee borne to thee and (oone aft~r dye, thy [ono\v wiJlbc {eavetl fold greatcl·then was thy Joy, thething loft, more affiic. teth, .then found joyech; SickneCfe mGre cxcruciatech,. . then Health gladdeth; rnjury more ta.nen"l rcth, thc::n bIOll0Uf conten 'teth ;. to conclude, whai good thiJllg' arefoLInd b the \Vorld, which are not