4 TJians MlJI'ta!ity. 97 Happin,s, th.en what: ,tended . ta theIr plcafurcs;' Theywhichtooketo theen the Timbrell and the Hlrp, and rejoyccd in th~ found of the Organs, they fpend to.:}"r dayes in wealth, and 'Kerc of them'tbat fayd : S?cakc no more to us :itl riienamc<>frlie Lord, they I,ayd to God, depart from liS, for wee de fire not tbe knowledge of thy wayes. 'NIJatis the Almighty/that weChould ie: vc him? a'!id ',yh~t profit ih.11 wee halrl:, if we pray U;lto him ?Now -lIdS! but too late, they fee