(18) tlot{,lherwomcn,whom Ulagn h,tt! tadoe it, better then your fdues,wham GoJ, andllature tils todoc ic.l haue faund by grieuous clpericnce, fuchlilfembling in nurfes , precend_ ingfufficiency of milkc, when indeed chey had c()() much Jcarcitie; precenJing willingneffc,t{)wardndfeJwakefUlndfe, when indeed they hQu~b~enemofr wilfiill, moß: froward~ and moß:floehfull,3s I feare ehc death of one or two of my liede Babes came by me defalr ofthdr,nurles. ',Ofall' thofewhich Ihad for eighteeoc'children,I had but two whkh were throughly wiUing,andcarefiill : diuers luue had their ch,ildren,. milc~ny in the Durfes hands)and 3Cd fuch mothcrs{ifitwere byehe nurfes carelcfnetfe} guilrldfe? I knowe not how cher ~ou1d', fnicc, ehey will iliutthem out ofthe tDmtS cf natllTe, and , l~ue th~ to