This chapter provides a brief recounting of an experiment with Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) carried out by the Movimento Sem Teto da Bahia (MSTB). It focuses on the possibilities and ways for Forum Theatre (FT), in its role as a rehearsal for the revolution, to serve the methodological function of provoking deep debate on social relations and the radical transformation of society—debate that is capable of contributing to the political training of MSTB activists. The chapter seeks to contribute to the practice of TO not only with regard to the advances and self-criticism necessary for this experience to continue within MSTB itself, but also in other social movements. The development of this piece of FT was carried out by the members of the MSTB Pedagogical Commission.6 The play originated from one of the Movement’s political training courses, on the initiative of some activists who had participated in a training course given by CTO-Rio with social movements in Salvador.